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Important HOA Announcements

March 2024

Save the Dates:

  • Annual Easter Egg Hunt - Saturday, March 23, 2024 at 10am (at the Pavilion)

  • Annual HOA Meeting - Thursday, April 11, 2024 at 6:30pm (Williamson County Jester Annex)

  • Spring Garage Sale - Saturday, April 20, 2024

  • Spring Clean Up (bulk trash pickup) - Saturday, April 27, 2024

  • HOA Summer Party - Saturday, June 1, 2024 from 5pm to 9pm

  • More information about each event will be sent out closer to the date of the event.

Architectural Control Committee Openings:

  • We are looking to add 1 to 3 members to the Architectural Control Committee, as we only have 2 active members at this time. This committee is responsible for reviewing all architectural modification requests submitted by homeowners for approval/denial. There are no meetings of the committee as all reviews are conducted via a web-based portal. If you are interested in serving on the Architectural Control Committee, please send an email to with your name, address, and phone number.

2024 Collections Update as of 03-01-2024:

  • There are a total of 1,521 lots/accounts in the HOA

  • 1,402 accounts (92.18%) are paid in full

  • 50 accounts (3.29%) are on active payment plans

  • 52 accounts (3.42%) are currently delinquent and in active collections with the HOA (next step is to file a delinquent lien at a cost of $500 per account if the accounts are not cured in the time frame prescribed by State law)

  • 17 accounts (1.12%) are in active collections with the HOA’s attorney *

* The Board approved foreclosure resolutions on 7 of these accounts at its most recent Board meeting.

Amenity Center Party Room and Meeting Room:

  • We would like to announce that effective today, Monday, March 4, the HOA Meeting Room is now able to be reserved by homeowners/tenants for meetings. There will be a rental fee of $25 per reservation to be paid via credit/debit card at the time the reservation is booked on the HOA website.

  • The HOA Party Room (formerly known as the multipurpose room) is now limited only to birthday parties, family gatherings, showers, or other similar events. Meetings, such as book club meetings, scout meetings, bible study/prayer group meetings will be limited to the CCHOA Meeting Room. The use of the Party Room will still be at no charge to homeowners; although, tenants will still be required to provide a $100 deposit by personal check.

  • Visit the website for more information about booking these two rooms. Go the Documents page for rules/guidelines for both rooms.


  • Previously approved landscaping work will soon begin at the entrance beds at Chandler Creek Blvd and A.W. Grimes. Review of all other landscaped entrances will be ongoing to determine what improvements are needed.

  • We have approved the addition of a sidewalk at the Amenity Center that will replace the current stepping stones that run from the sidewalk at the street (Agarita Trail) to the Amenity Center.

  • Work was recently completed to seal the cracks on the pool deck and to also clean and seal the surface of the pool deck. We have also approved a proposal to clean and seal the remaining areas of the Amenity Center (front entry way, breezeway, and Party Room).

  • We have approved minor repairs to the tennis court nets and those should be completed soon.

  • We approved the removal of two damaged picnic tables near the Amenity Center.

  • The Board will be meeting with a park general contractor to discuss plans for replacing/repairing the current playscape near the pool as well as possibly adding a small pavilion/picnic tables near the current playscape/swings.

Other Important Information:

  • Oncor Electric Delivery is currently trimming trees under the power lines. The Board recently had discussions with Oncor and their vendor regarding how bad some of the trees looked after they trimmed them. Oncor and their vendor agreed to come back and do some “touch up” work, although they were not required to do so. We want residents to know that any tree trimming done near/under power lines is not work that was requested by the HOA. Unfortunately, the scope of work that Oncor provides to their vendor does not include making the trees look aesthetically pleasing.

  • Dog Owners – We want to remind everyone that you are required to pick up (scoop the poop) after your dogs when taking them out for walks. Parents need to also remind their kids of this requirement as well. In addition, the entirety of the park is not an “off-leash” park.

HOA Website Helpful Links:



Chandler Creek HOA

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Visit the HOA Amenities

1490 Rusk Rd. Ste. 301

Round Rock, TX 78665

2112 Agarita Trail

Round Rock, TX 78665

© 2022 Chandler Creek Home Owners Association

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