As we find ourselves in the hustle and bustle of Spring, the Executive Committee and Directors would like to share the following important information with all Chandler Creek homeowners.
Save These Dates:
· Saturday, April 8 at 10am – Annual HOA Easter Egg Hunt at the Park
· Thursday, April 13 at 6:30pm – Annual HOA Meeting (Jester Annex on Old Settlers)
· Saturday, April 29 – HOA Garage Sale
More details about each of these events will be sent out via separate email blast.
2023 Collections Update:
Out of 1,521 homeowner accounts, 82 accounts are currently delinquent, and collection letters have been sent to those accounts. “Small balance” reminder letters have also been sent to 13 accounts. If you receive a collection letter or a small balance reminder, please give the matter your prompt attention so as to avoid further adverse action and collection costs.
The HOA also has about 22 accounts currently on payment plans. If you are on a current payment plan, it is important that your payments are made in accordance with the payment plan agreement.
Also, pool keys associated with past due accounts (as of February 1, 2023) have been temporarily deactivated. Once accounts are paid in full, pool keys can be reactivated upon request by contacting PS Property (512-251-6122).
Winter Storm Cleanup Update:
As you should be aware, the Municipal Utility District (MUD) contracted with a vendor to remove tree limbs for HOA/MUD residents. That task has now been completed and the HOA Board would like to extend its appreciation to the MUD Board for moving quickly to handle this.
The HOA’s landscaping vendor has removed most downed tree limbs from HOA-maintained common areas; however, there is still some tree limb removal to be done. Additional tree work will have to be done as well (removing broken limbs still attached to trees, raising tree canopies, removing trees that now pose a hazard). The HOA’s property manager has been meeting with vendors to secure bids to have this work done and hopes to have all bids within the next few days. As you can imagine, all tree service companies have been inundated with work and requests for bids, so this process has taken longer than normal but the HOA is working as quickly to address this. Please note that this only applies to trees in the HOA’s common areas. This does not apply to trees that are the responsibility of individual homeowners.
Monument at Chandler Creek Blvd & A.W. Grimes:
The HOA is aware the monument has sustained damage and the HOA’s property manager has been working for several weeks now to secure bids for the necessary repairs. Due to the scope of work needed, it has been challenging to find contractors that can do the work. This is a priority and as soon as a contractor has been selected, the repairs will commence. The HOA asks for your patience and understanding.
Landscaping of Common Areas:
The HOA is actively working with its landscaping vendor to secure design plans and bids to update the landscaping for several areas within the HOA. Water restrictions and the winter storms (2021 and 2023) have had a negative impact on the HOA’s landscaped common areas. The HOA is assessing all landscaped common areas to determine what is needed to refresh these areas.
We would like to note that with each of the above projects, it is the HOA’s goal to be fiscally responsible and make sure that the bid process is thorough and that the best vendor/contractor is selected both in terms of quality of work and overall cost. Your patience while the HOA works through the bid process is appreciated.
Yard of the Month:
The HOA will be starting up the Yard of the Month program again and will share more details soon Get those yards ready for the good kind of judging!
